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Everflame Page 2

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  As Eveneye awoke the next morning, panic rushed over him. There was a child in his home, a human boy. He quickly rose up on his feet and saw something that shook him to his core. His wife sat on the floor of the cave, throwing a stick and then watching as the small boy retrieved it and brought it back to her. They were playing fetch. Eveneye had no idea how old the boy was, two years, maybe three. He wasn’t adept at guessing human age. The boy was at least young enough that he could not speak, only shriek with glee every time Goldenheart threw the stick. Eveneye was in shock, unable to move or speak, his fur standing on end.

  “Even, why am I playing fetch with a human boy in our home?” asked Goldenheart so simply that it seemed to Eveneye he must still be asleep and dreaming.

  “Umm…well, I… I’m…he was…umm…” Eveneye stumbled over everything he tried so say and his mind was swimming.

  “He was what? Where did you find him?”

  At Goldenheart’s last question, the image of the wolves appeared in Eveneye’s mind, as well as the image of the little boy tied to the tree. With the images fresh in his mind, the anger that he had felt toward the wolves had again risen in Eveneye. It was sobering and snapped him out of his daze.

  “He was in the forest. He was in trouble. I did what I had to.” Eveneye had gained his composure and began to recount the events of the prior night to his wife. Pausing after recounting the battle with the wolves to show her his injuries, then continuing with the decision to bring the boy back to the mountain. He ended his story with: “I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “So you intend to keep this child?” Goldenheart asked her husband, her voice conveying her disbelief in the situation. “The King will not allow this, Even. We should sneak the child out of here tonight and return it to the village. No one needs to know. Whiteclaw will not say anything. He will keep the secret.”

  “I will take the child to the King’s Court today and explain to him. I will show him that I did the right thing. He will see that we cannot return the child to the humans. I mean… they tried to kill him.” Eveneye was calm and steady with his voice and it helped to calm his wife.

  “I am afraid, Even,” she said and looked down at the boy.

  He was sitting on the floor with the stick in his hands, staring up at the massive bear that had helped to save his life. The boy cocked the stick back and threw it at Eveneye. The stick bounced off of Eveneye’s nose and the child erupted with laughter. Goldenheart followed.

  “Well,” she said between laughs, “he is entertaining.”

  “Look, Goldie, I’m a very respected member of this kingdom. I’m a member of the council that advises King Irontooth. He will listen to me. I’ll go after breakfast. You’ll see. Everything will be all right.”

  Goldenheart looked at her husband with love in her eyes and smiled.

  “I hope so, Even. I hope so.”


  It was a very busy morning in the main tunnel that led through the center of Gray Mountain and up to the King’s castle. Eveneye grimaced as he made his way through. He had been hoping for the smallest amount of traffic possible. The main tunnel was where the majority of business was conducted in the kingdom. The tunnel was about fifty yards wide with an arched ceiling that stood thirty feet high. Drawn along the ceiling were artful depictions of key events in the history of the bears. The bears were very proud of their history and any adult could name each event shown along the length of the tunnel. The walls were stark, with the exception of the torches that lit the tunnel. The walls were kept mostly clear due to the fact that merchants and traders set up booths and stands, taking up all of the wall space that was not occupied by light sources.

  There were merchants and traders of all kinds. There were many stands set up where a bear might purchase things to decorate their cave. Patterned blankets and rugs of all colors hung in display, as well as tapestries to hang on cave walls. Soft mattresses filled with straw or feathers leaned against the walls of the tunnel as well.

  The bears were also fine artists. Paintings of King Irontooth could be purchased as well as recreations of some of the historical events that adorned the ceiling of the main tunnel. Strongback’s lighting of the Everflame was a particular favorite.

  Housewares were also a popular commodity. The metal workers were selling pots and pans as well as grates to place over a fire for grilling. The woodworkers did a bit better for themselves as they sold tables and cabinets for storage. Some bears had wooden doors fit to the front of their caves, though most found doors to be rude and antisocial. The woodworkers also delved into the artistic and their carvings were very popular. At the present time, it was popular to have a carving done of your family and have it hung on the wall. Eveneye had been looking into it for himself and Goldenheart, but he thought that maybe it would seem empty without the addition of a cub.

  There was also a booth set up for leisure activities. Just last week, Eveneye had purchased a johnball. He and Whiteclaw were very good johnball players and at least once per week, played with other bears in the kingdom. Johnball was a simple enough sport, the goal being to move the johnball into your opponent’s territory by any means necessary. They played in teams of five and the team who had crossed into their opponent’s territory the most, at the end of an hour, was the victor. The johnball Eveneye had purchased was a spherical, dark brown leather ball with a stone on the inside for weight. The johnballs used now were less barbaric than what was used by the inventors of the game, some years back.

  The story follows that a man was out hunting bear and, rightly so in the bears’ eyes, was killed by his prey. The bears who had killed the man then played a game with his head as the ball. Having previously seen that upon the man’s trousers was written, property of John Hoell III, it was decided that the game would be called Johnball. To make it popular for the masses, as most bears do not enjoy playing with corpses, the ball was “redesigned.”

  As Eveneye passed, the activities merchant waved. Eveneye quickly turned, as if he had not seen him. He was not eager to be pulled into conversation today.

  The main tunnel was also where the bears purchased their food. Breads, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, different cuts of meat and certainly fish. The fish merchants were like a little market of their own, selling all types of fish. There were stands selling salmon, mackerel, bass, trout, cod, halibut, tuna fish and sword fish, catfish, herring, pickerel, chub, carp, smelt, grouper, flounder, perch, haddock, sardines, sole, tilapia and even candied anchovies for the cubs. This section of the tunnel was always the busiest. No bear could pass through without having their mouth begin to water.

  Eveneye tried to make his way through the tunnel as inconspicuously as possible. The boy was in a sac that hung around Eveneye’s neck, just as the fish had been carried the night before. Eveneye was tempted to check the sac many times as he moved through the tunnel, due to the fact that the boy never fussed or even made a sound. He was remarkably well behaved and it struck Eveneye as being a little odd. He didn’t dare open the sac in the tunnel, as the last thing he wanted to do was draw attention to himself. However, as he passed Hawksfoot, the old salmon merchant, his luck ran out.

  “Eveneye! Hey! Let’s see your catch!”

  Eveneye moved quickly toward the old bear. The sooner he could get to him, the sooner the bear would stop drawing attention with his yells.

  Hawksfoot was an old bear with gray fur and wide, staring eyes. He had been a celebrated fisher in his day, but had long since lost the necessary reflexes. It had not made him bitter though. Instead, Hawksfoot had turned to selling fish, which it seemed he loved just as much. He was always in a friendly mood and always eager to see Eveneye’s catches.

  “Eveneye, what have you brought me this morning? Night fishing again? I’ll bet you’ve got a big catch to sell me today, don’t you?” Hawksfoot ogled the fish sac with expectant eyes. He always made great profit from Eveneye’s catches.

  “No. Nothing tod
ay, Hawk. Just passing through today. Sorry.” Eveneye tried to be casual but his words came hurried and awkward.

  “You all right?” asked Hawksfoot, narrowing his eyes a bit.

  “Oh, me? Fine,” Eveneye chuckled. “Just up late, night fishing. You know.”

  “So you do have fish! Let me see em.” Hawksfoot stepped forward and reached for the sac.

  “No!” shouted Eveneye. “I mean…I can’t. They’re not for sale. I’m on my way to see the King.”

  “I should have known,” said Hawksfoot, smiling. “I always said you was the smartest bear I know. You’ve got yourself a prize catch there and you’re off to offer it up to the King. You’re a keen one, Eveneye, real sharp.”

  “Well, you’ve figured me out,” laughed Eveneye, visibly relieved.

  “Go ahead and run on, so those fish stay fresh. Go on.”

  Eveneye nodded at the old bear and made his way onward. He had been so nervous talking to Hawksfoot that he was surprised that his legs still worked. As he continued through the main tunnel, the boy inside of the sac continued to behave remarkably well. Only once did the boy stir at all, and that was as Eveneye had passed by the sweet treats merchant. The smell of baked goods obviously reaching the boy through the sac.

  “Be still, little one,” Eveneye whispered. “I promise I’ll get you something when we return.”

  It was a little known fact outside of the bear kingdom, but bears loved baked goods. Pies, cookies, cakes, they loved everything. Eveneye’s personal favorites were brownies. Eveneye loved them almost as much as fish. In fact, brownies were one of the things that had made him fall in love with Goldenheart. She made the best brownies he had ever tasted. They made him feel like he was floating on air. He had nicknamed them Goldenheart’s Magical Brownies and usually asked for them thusly.

  Eveneye had finally moved past the crowd of the market and was now very close to the King’s Court. He was beginning to think that he was in the clear, when he heard a strong “ahem” from behind. Eveneye stopped and Whiteclaw circled around in front of him.

  “Don’t do this,” Whiteclaw whispered. “I’ll help you come up with a better solution. Do not show that child to the King.”

  “It will be fine. I will make him understand.”

  “And what if he does not?”

  “He will,” assured Eveneye.

  “What if you are wrong? He will order you to return that child, and what then? Hmm? Will you sacrifice everything you have worked for, your reputation, your wife’s reputation, everything… for that boy?”

  “Please, Whiteclaw, you must trust me.” Eveneye stared Whiteclaw directly in the eyes, unwavering.

  Whiteclaw lowered his gaze and sighed, exacerbated.

  “If this is something you must do,” Whiteclaw raised his eyes to meet those of his friend, “then it will not be alone.”

  “You are a good friend,” said Eveneye, smiling. “You will not regret this.”

  The bears both turned and marched on, toward the castle. As the castle came into view, Eveneye could hear Whiteclaw swallow the lump in his throat.

  “Trust me, Whiteclaw. I have a plan.”

  “Care to share that plan?”

  “Sorry, I can’t. You’ll just have to trust me.”

  Whiteclaw shook his head and smirked.

  The tunnel opened to the sky, just in front of the entrance to the castle. The castle rose from the mountain’s peak like a giant flower, opening to the sun. The walls of the castle layered inward like great stone petals, disjointed yet seamless. They came tighter and tighter until they met the lone tower that rose from the middle of the castle like the flower’s stigma. Atop the tower burned the Everflame in all its glory. The King’s castle had been carved directly from the peak of the mountain by the tireless work of the elder bears. It was the single greatest achievement in the history of the bears and each of them regarded the castle and its flame as sacred.

  Eveneye and Whiteclaw approached the guard at the door to the castle and told him that they had business in the King’s court. The guard recognized them as two of the King’s advisors and asked no questions as he admitted them into the castle. The door of the castle opened inward, from the middle, to reveal the beauty of the King’s halls. All of the stone on the inside of the castle had been polished so smooth it seemed as though it might be liquid. The castle had many windows open to the outside so that during the day, the castle would be lit with natural light. A life-sized sculpture of each of the previous kings lined the walls down the main hall, toward the King’s court. Thirty-three in total, beginning with the first king of the bears, King Longbranch, and ending with King Bluestar, Irontooth’s predecessor. A sculpture was only commissioned after a king’s rule had ended.

  Eveneye and Whiteclaw made their way to the courtroom and stood in the waiting line, just outside. There were only two parties before them who had cases to present to the King. A guard stood at the entrance to the court and told each party when it was their turn to enter. Almost one half hour passed when the party directly before Eveneye and Whiteclaw were admitted and the two bears moved up in line. The guard returned and stared blankly at the two bears.

  “You can go right in. You know you two don’t have to wait in the case line.”

  “No,” said Eveneye, “we do. We have a case to be judged by the King today.”

  “Come on now,” said the guard. “You’re pulling a goof on me, you are. You can’t expect me to believe the two of you are at odds with each other.”

  “No. We just have something to be presented to the King,” explained Whiteclaw.

  “Ooooh.” The guard nodded his head, rolled back and forth on the balls of his feet and then pointed at the bulging sac. “What’s in the bag?”

  “None of your business,” shot Whiteclaw.

  “Fine. Have it your way.” The guard turned around and began muttering to himself.

  A few minutes passed and then the sound of a gong was heard, signaling a decision by the King in the present case. The guard opened the door to the court and extended his arms, signaling that Eveneye and Whiteclaw could enter. The bears walked to the center of the room and stood upon a large star that had been etched into the polished stone. They turned to face the King, whose throne sat upon a series of ten steps. A group of five guards stood on either side of the King. The room was large and this was mostly to accommodate a sizable audience. Bleachers lined both sidewalls and the back wall. The ceiling was open to the sky so that the Everflame could be seen overhead. There were only about two hundred bears in attendance today. The room could easily fit one thousand. It rarely reached such capacity, and today’s audience was rather standard. Still, it seemed a lot for Eveneye, who was seeing the courtroom from this vantage point for the first time. It took he and Whiteclaw a moment to muster their courage before they addressed the King.

  “Your majesty,” said the bears and bowed before King Irontooth.

  “What are the two of you doing?” asked Irontooth. “I am in no mood for pranks today.”

  Murmurings from the crowd washed over the two bears like a wave.

  “Silence!” called the King. He then nodded at Eveneye and Whiteclaw so that they might speak.

  “Your majesty,” began Eveneye, “this is no joke. I am here today to tell you of the events that befell Whiteclaw and myself last night. Whiteclaw is here as my witness of the events. I would ask that you hear my story and then, I will present you with a plan I have that will bring further prosperity to our future. Will you hear me, O King?”

  “Of course I will hear you, Eveneye. You are one of my most trusted advisors. I would be a fool to ignore that which you feel you must say. But first,” and the king pointed directly at Eveneye, “I need to know what is moving in that bag.”

  Every bear inside the courtroom moved their attention to the sac that hung around Eveneye’s neck, as it was now obvious that something was trying to push its way out.

  “As you wish.” Eveneye took the s
ac from his neck and gently placed it on the floor. He then lifted back the top and out crawled a smiling little boy. The crowd erupted in surprise.

  “Silence! I demand silence!” The crowd hushed and the King looked down over Eveneye and the child at his feet. “You had better explain yourself, and you had better do it quickly.”

  “Yes, sire.” Eveneye began with the events of the previous night, just as he had given them to his wife, earlier. Ooohs and Aaahs came from the crowd as he told of the battle with the wolves, but the crowd did not seem as impressed with Eveneye’s decision to bring the child to the mountain. Eveneye could see that if he stopped talking, he may never get a chance to speak of his plan. So as his account of the night finished, he proceeded directly to his plan. “So, sire, this is what I propose. This child is obviously unwanted by the humans and therefore, there is no danger of them attempting to reclaim him. I propose we keep him on the mountain and raise him as a member of our society.” The murmurs of the crowd were getting louder but Eveneye ignored them and continued. “Once the boy becomes an adult, he could become an ambassador of peace between us and the humans. When the humans see that we have taken care of one of their own, they will not fear us any longer. We can begin a new era of peace and cooperation between our two societies. Together, bears and humans could reach goals we never dreamed possible. I beg of you, O King, trust in my judgment. An era of peace between bears and humans would be a great ease to our need for security. We would be able to open trade to lengths we never thought possible. Without humans fearing us, we may also be able to spread the Kingdom of Bears further than ever before. I’m sure there would be many benefits I have not even thought of. The possibilities are endless. I understand that what I ask is radical in nature, but I know in your wisdom, you will see the truth of my words.”